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My Journey to Becoming a Johku Merchant and Coach

Want to lighten your workload?

I did, and that’s how I became a Johku merchant. Now, I also train other travel entrepreneurs on how to use Johku.

How I became a Johku merchant

My husband Martti has been a solo entrepreneur since 2011. I’m the jack-of-all-trades, handling his company’s marketing, sales, bookkeeping, and also helping out as a guide.

I wanted to reduce my own workload, so I decided to learn how to become a Johku merchant. Now, I help others do the same. Martti can focus on what he does best - running tours - and I get to help other entrepreneurs lighten their load and focus on what really matters.

If this sounds familiar, you too can reduce your workload and focus on what matters most with a Johku e-commerce platform.

Does this sound like you?

Are you an activity service provider, spending your days handling customer service, running tours and setting up and breaking down events behind the scenes? By evening, your phone is filled with missed calls, and your email is overflowing with inquiries, bookings, and questions.

Maybe you're a cottage rental operator, working from morning till night serving customers and maintaining your property. When the phone rings and a customer wants to book, you’re probably across the property with your reservation book sitting in the office. You stop what you’re doing, rush inside, or promise to call them back. And this repeats all day long.

Or maybe you're a shop owner who also ships products to customers. A big chunk of your day goes to answering customer calls. Is the product available? How much do you have in stock? What colors? What price?

Get in touch with me and book a consultation - let’s lighten your workload together!